Top wedding photography tutorials and tips
A collection of the best wedding photography tutorials and tips on the web, focusing on ways to improve your wedding photography and tips for beginners. These tutorials and tips can help anyone who is in the wedding photography business or looking into it. Everyone has to start somewhere, and there’s always room to improve your talent, and these tutorials and tips can help with both. If you use these tutorials and tips wisely you will be on your way to taking the best wedding photography; and have fun while doing so.
5 Wedding Photography Composition Tips
Tips on how to take certain types of wedding photos. This post shows you how to take popular styles of photos that are great to know about.
Wedding Photography – Lessons Learned
A long and great list of a typical step by step wedding photography tips. Everything from preparing the wedding to things that can usually go wrong during a wedding photo shoot.
10 Top Tips for the Amateur Wedding Photographer
Tips that can help any wedding photographer. This post goes more in depth on the feeling aspect of being a wedding photographer rather than technical tips.
Ring Photography
This is a basic and specific tutorial on how to take ring photography. Ring photography has been very popular lately in the wedding photography business. It is a great post to read, because you never know if your client(s) will ask for photos of their rings.
Photographing Your Best Friend’s Wedding – 10 Tips
Tips on how to take the best photos, and keep your best friend happy (if that’s the case).
Wedding Photography – 21 Tips for Amateur Wedding Photographers
A list of 21 great tips that everything amateur (and professional) wedding photographer should always keep in mind.
Essential Lighting Tips for Wedding Photography
These tips are not just for wedding photographers, but for all photographers. Focusing on natural light, and natural color levels.
Photographing my First Wedding
A list of basic tips that not everyone knows about. A good read if you’re looking to get blunt and basic tips for starting wedding photography.
Top 10 Best Wedding Photography Tips
A list of amazing tips from a wedding photographer that has been photographing weddings for over twenty years.
Useful Tips To Consider When Doing Wedding Photography
A list of tips that are to the point and understandable. Along with a great list, it also includes a handful of beautiful wedding photos for inspiration.
6 Tips for Photography (At Your Ex-Girlfriend’s Wedding)
A more humorous approach, but in the same has some useful tips. You never know, you may be able to get a laugh out of it as well as some awesome tips.
9 Wedding Photography Tips to Keep the Bride Happy
A variety of tips that will always keep the bride happy. Remember a wedding is always the brides’ special day.
Wedding Photography Tips
These tips are more technical, but they should all be noted. These tips offer great advice if you are looking to improve your skills.
Wedding Photography Survival Tips: The Preparation
A great list of tips on how to prepare for a wedding photo shot. If you follow these tips you will always be prepared.