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Best Gimp Plugins

GIMP Is a great alternative to Photoshop, and there are a huge array of Gimp PluginsĀ  that make it even better. If you’re new to Gimp, be sure to checkoutĀ Gimp workflow and Gimp tutorials. Gimp plugins will help to sharpen and restore focus of your

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Top 20 Gimp plugins

Most popular and useful Gimp plugins are here to enrich your experience using Gimp. This would be a nice addition to Gimp workflow and Gimp tutorials. Gimp plugins will help to sharpen and restore focus of your photos, apply creative effects, fix color and contrast,

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Top 10 premium WordPress plugins

Premium WordPress plugins provide extended features and customer support not available in top free WordPress plugins. Most of the premium WordPress plugins are used for commercial projects (check out also ecommerce WordPress plugins). This review includes premium WordPress plugins which are used to increase number