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Tag Archives: iphone

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Top 10 iPhone Photo Apps

Since the introduction of the Apple iStore, the iPhone has become a much more valuable commodity than just a simple phone. It is a device with which users can organise their lives, network with friends and store precious memories in the form of photographs. With

Mobile blogging with WordPress

WordPress is the premium blogging domain for bloggers and website owners to use. Read this article to find out the best blogging tips and applications.

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iPhone HDR tips

iPhone HDR feature which appeared in iOS 4.1 release made an already excellent iPhone camera better. It’s officially available on iPhone 4 only, but you can Google how to hack iPhone 3G and 3GS to enable HDR. iPhone HDR works as follows: camera takes three

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Top 50 iPhone mobile sites

Top iPhone optimized mobile sites are here for your inspiration. We handpicked the most beautiful yet functional mobile sites which work perfectly fine on iPhone phones and on most of other smarphones with Android, Blackberry, Symbian or Windows Mobile operating system. Top mobile sites for