5 rule of thirds photography tips
Rule of thirds when used properly can help you greatly improve your photography. The first thing you learn when doing any visual art is the rule of thirds. It is the first thing to master when thinking of composition. It is a mathematical formula that enables you to create two dimensional eye candy. It applies to photography as much as it applies to graphics, fine art painting and even film. How to create more tension, synergy and interest in your subject matter?

rule of thirds girl
1. What is the rule of thirds?
It is an aesthetic mathematical formula. How do you formulate the rule of thirds into your image? Divide your image into two equally spaced horizontal and vertical lines, effectively this gives you nine equal squares.

landscape rule of thirds
Your subject matter or multiple points of interest can be placed along the lines, or at the intersecting points. For example, a landscape photograph: The sea would take up two thirds of your image and two of your vertical lines (or 6 squares.)
Your chosen points of interest don’t necessarily each have to sit on the lines that you have mapped out, but by balancing out certain shapes in your frame you will be able to highlight more important subject matter. This all depends on how you have balanced the image, with relation to shape, light, size etc.
2. Ideas on shapes within the composition – balance and image.
Things to think about: proportion, dimension, degree, lights and darks, balance.
Another part of the rule is that two equal lights should not appear in the same picture. Also two, or any equal number of objects that are identical or similar in mass shouldn’t appear in the same picture unless they are balanced out by a third object.

rule of thirds light dark
3. How to take advantages of the rule of thirds when taking a photograph.
DSLR cameras fortunately, have it all figured out for us. Most cameras will have a built in ‘rule of thirds’ grid. So you do not have to get out the ruler as the camera does it for you! The trick again is to remember the rule and think of balance as you take the photograph.

camera grid
4. Another thing to think about is framing your images in post production.
How to crop your image when thinking of the rule? Have you noticed when you crop an image in Photoshop the cropping tool uses the rule of thirds? The cropping tool automatically draws the four lines for you. If you are cropping photographs in post production it is important to think of these lines and how your objects in your photograph will balance in relationship to your new frame.
5. Can you break the rule?
Of course! But it is important to ask yourself: What is the point of interest in the shot? After establishing this you can play around with the framing considering the geometry. Some photographers, artists or designers simply have a talented eye and will take photographs or make images, without thinking of the rule of thirds. They do this either because it comes naturally to them, or they have learnt the rule, and have become so accustomed to it that they don’t realize they they are using it! It is always good to go back to the basics and ‘re-look’ at how you are doing things, even if you are an established professional photographer.
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