40 iPad tools, tips for designer
iPad tools, tips and tutorials in this review will help you to optimize your website for iPad. You’ll learn things to consider while developing iPad applications. It also provides links to iPad wireframe elements for easy prototyping both on paper and screen as well as GUI elements for design mockups of iPad apps. Also included tons of other useful and inspiring information such as IPad usability testing, websites optimized for iPad and tools for testing how your website looks on iPad.

iPad tools
JesusPad Actions for Photoshop
These Photoshop Actions will allow any UX/UI designer or App developer to quickly create a gorgeous rendering of their app as it would appear on an Apple iPad.
Designing iPhone & iPad Apps presentation
Preparing Your Web Content for iPad
You can ensure that your website looks and works great on iPad, and even create new touch-enabled web experiences for your customers, by considering a few specific differences between iPad and other platforms.
iPad icon PSD template
This PSD icon template is based off the exact overlays, outlines, and masks the iPhone and iPad OS use to mask icons. This lets you preview the pre-supplied gloss, or modify it. It’s made up entirely of shape layers and layer effects and should be completely pixel-accurate.
iPad Detection Using JavaScript or PHP
These code snippets will help you to redirect iPad users to a different version of your website or to implement different styles to your standard website if your user is surfing on an iPad.
This online application will show how your website will look on iPad. It allows you to use Portrait or Landscape mode.
iPad Application Design
Some observations about the user interface conventions and considerations which apply to creating software for the iPad platform (and touch-screen tablet devices in general).
iPad Stencil for Omnigraffle
This OmniGraffle template contains backgrounds, title bars, buttons, selectors, and other iPhone UI elements with text fully editable on lists, title bars, buttons, and scroll wheels.
Tutorial: Serving HTML5 Video Cross Browser (including iPad)
In this tutorial, author starts with a .mov file and encodes that to serve HTML5 video.
iPad Usability: First Findings From User Testing
Pad apps are inconsistent and have low feature discoverability, with frequent user errors due to accidental gestures. An overly strong print metaphor and weird interaction styles cause further usability problems.
iPad Orientation CSS
A sample page demonstrating orientation CSS for iPad and some tips on Using orientation in CSS.
Apple: Start Developing iPad Apps
Official user experience guidelines, iPad programming guide, testing and distribution guidelines.
Quick and (not so) Dirty iPad User Testing
There’s a very particular challenge involved with user testing on the iPad. Luckily there is a solution to make any testing you do with an unfamiliar device a tangible, hands on experience for your team of testers.
Designing Websites for the iPad
Some things to keep in mind for iPad-friendly web design.
iPad web development tips
Some information about how your site can be made to best work with the iPad.
How iPad Affects the Way we Design Websites?
Read on what are the things you need to consider designing for iPad.
Page Flips Are Better Than Infinite Scroll
This post provides thoughts on flip feature of iPad in comparison with traditional scrolling.
iPad Apps: Physicality and Heightened Realism
iPad User Experience Guidelines from Apple suggests that applications designed for the iPad should have a realistic, physical dimension.
iPad User Experience Guidelines
According to Apple, the best iPad applications: downplay application UI so that the focus is on content; present content in beautiful, often realistic ways; and take full advantage of device capabilities to enable enhanced interaction.
iPad Inspiration: News Sites
A comparison of the Associated Press and USA Today applications for the iPad reveals a few ways iPad design can be effective (or not).
Designing for iPad: Reality Check
This blog post digs into typography, interaction design, the iPad’s 3-dimensional elements and much more.
Fonts for iPad & iPhone
List of fonts supported by IPad.
Web Design for iPad – WTF or FTW?
What do you need to do when designing pages to perform on this interesting Apple’s invention? Some iPad-optimized design tips included.
iPad wireframe templates
Blank printed life-size mock-iPads. A4 and Letter sizes included.
How does your Website Look on an iPad?
If you are curious to know how your website design looks like on the 9.7” screen of an Apple iPad, you should read these tips.
iPad Wireframe EPS
Illustrator file that provides everything you need to create accurate wireframes for the iPad.
iPad Stencil Kit
This metallic stencil kit is perfect for wire framing on paper.
This PSD kit contains iPad interface elements: starting from buttons to toolbars and pop-over windows.
Detecting Device Size and Orientation in CSS
In-depth look at how you can target the iPad using CSS.
Designing Websites for the iPad
Some things to keep in mind for iPad-friendly web design.
Usability of iPad Apps and Websites
This report is based on usability studies with real users, reporting how they actually used a broad variety of iPad apps as well as websites accessed on the iPad.
iPad: A Savior for Web Design, Too!
Five examples of websites whose design screams for tablet interaction.
Styling your web pages for iPhone and iPad
This screencast will show you how to use CSS Media Queries to select the correct style sheet depending on the device you’re using. It also explains how to change the style on the iPad depending on whether you’re in portrait or landscape orientation, using a little JavaScript.
iPad vector GUI elements: tabs, buttons, menus, icons
This set contains almost all iPad UI elements, including buttons, tabs, menus, keyboard, balloons, etc.
The New Rules For Designing For The iPad
This blog post suggest keeping asking ourselves, “Are we taking full advantage of the tablet here? Or just making another iPhone app?”
SketchyPad (US$4.99) is an iPad app using a lot of stencils to make mockups. It includes many of the design elements that are used in web design and app development. When you’re done with a sketch, it can be exported to your camera roll, emailed, or exported to Balsamiq Mockups for Desktop.
On the iPad and Web Design
Another opinion on what does iPad mean for web designers.
Usable and accessible web design for the iPad
What do we need to plan for when designing websites to work on IPad.
Design for iPad?
Web design industry experts share their opinions on iPad.
Will the iPad change the way you design?
Some thoughts on how iPad will affect the way web and graphic designers work.

2 thoughts on “40 iPad tools, tips for designer”