Top 20 Gimp video tutorials
Best Gimp video tutorials have been included in this review. Gimp video tutorials are selected in three categories: basics, intermediate and advanced. Following these Gimp video tutorials you’ll learn how to remove red yes and retouch portrait photos, how to create animated banner and use brushes, how to make 3D text effects and glossy button. If you haven’t checked yet, go and see our own creative Gimp tutorials, best Gimp plugins and Gimp photography workflow.
Basic Gimp tutorials
Gimp basics
A quick Gimp video tutorial introducing you to some of the capabilities and menus in the program. The features are demonstrated by antiquing a photo, and throughout the process most of the major tools are explained.
How to use Gimp
A Gimp video tutorial that teaches you all your tools and how to use layers. This one truly is the perfect Gimp video for those who have never used Gimp or a similar photo program before. It teaches you about using layers, colors, and text.
Red eye removal with Gimp
This is the quickest video Gimp tutorial on this list. This red-eye reduction video is teaching a super-basic skill but a very necessary one.
Gimp skin airbrushing tutorial
This easy to follow Gimp video shows you how to airbrush like the professionals. IF you have ever wanted to follow along with a 14-year old girl while she airbrushes Miley Cyrus face—then this is the video for you.
How to use the align tool in Gimp
A quick Gimp video tutorial about how to align objects. An important lesson showing you how to control the alignment and spacing of your images.
How to create an animated GIF with Gimp
A Gimp video tutorial about how to make simple animations with Gimp. The instructor in this tutorial really keeps things reasonably basic; even beginner users can follow along even though it is fast tempo (you’ll need to use the pause button regularly). This tutorial can teach you a lot about using layers and other important Gimp features.
How to download and add brushes Gimp tutorial
A super quick Gimp video about how to download and add brushes to Gimp. While it is specifically about brushes, once you learn how to do this you should be able to easily add additional textures, effects and other Gimp tools that don’t come pre-installed.
Gimp scissors select tool tutorial
An easy Gimp video tutorial about an essential Gimp skill, the scissors select tool. If you know how to use the magnetic lasso tool in Photoshop this should be super easy.
Signature tutorial in Gimp
A Gimp video highlighting most of the skills you will need to move on to become an intermediate user. While the video is a little fast-paced it is the perfect video for learning about all the tools available in Gimp.
Simple Gimp text tips
A great Gimp video tutorial teaching you the basics on using text in Gimp. If you have never used the text tools before then this is vital.
Intermediate GImp tutorials
3D Gimp typography tutorial
A Gimp video describing how to make 3D style Gimp typography. The video was authored by a young kid but surprisingly is devoid of all condescension. The 3D authoring requires another program download, Cinema 4D.
Gimp tutorial: 3D text
This Gimp video tutorial shows you how to make 3D style text in Gimp. While the video lacks voice instruction (it uses a somewhat irritating music soundtrack in its place) it does clearly show how to do it through visuals. Be prepared to pump the pause button.
Layer styles and layer effects in Gimp
A Gimp video tutorial about how to download layer effects, and then install and use them. This is a great video for showing you how to download available plugins for Gimp. Once you know the process you will be able to download tons of helpful plugins.
Gimp 101: glossy button tutorial
A Gimp video tutorial by the same uncondescending young man, offering advice on how to make glossy-looking buttons.
Gimp tutorial: texture overlay effect
This Gimp video tutorial teaches you how to add professional-quality effects like a texture overlay. If you can get past the somewhat distracting down-under accent it is a great tutorial that can teach you a little about layers and effects. Basic knowledge of layers is required.
How to change a person’s face in Gimp
An interesting Gimp video tutorial about swapping faces in Gimp. While the instructor uses a face to swap the skills learned in this tutorial are easily transferrable to many different photo-rendering facets.
Advanced Gimp tutorials
How to make a disintegration effect in Gimp
A Gimp video tutorial about disintegrating a character in an image, but this time with a joke in the intro. This is a fairly easy to follow tutorial with step-by-step instructions on rendering and effects.
Cutout object using mask in Gimp
A Gimp video showing you how to deal with difficult images by cutting out an object using the mask tool. The example used is a woman with hair blowing in the wind but this skill will serve you well as many photos have difficult to select parts.
Gimp tutorial about using layer mask
A Gimp video tutorial about using layer masks. The author creates an example of an artistic rendering of a cabinet door, but can be applied to many different tasks in Gimp. Consider this a must-have skill for Gimp. Very easy to follow.
Photo Manipulation in Gimp
A very easy to follow Gimp video tutorial to show you how to make professional-quality photo manipulations. If you can master the skills in this video you will be able to make professional style images.