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Category Archives: Reviews

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Get design review with ReviewBasics

ReviewBasics is a nice online service from SharpStyle Labs, that provides free and amazingly easy way to have your design work reviewed. It could be a website, a photo, flash video or a document. Built-in conersion utilities allows to import a bunch of file formats

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Make magazine cover with your photo

If you were always dreaming of being on a cover of the Time magazine, now after many years of trying to hit the stars you can fulfill your dream. is a fun application that let you create your own custom magazine covers featuring your

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Why CorelDraw X4 sucks

Corel Corporation recently released a new version of its flagship product CorelDraw X4 (frankly speaking, other parts of Corel Graphics Suite have almost no value) which still have thousands of users around the world. Most Corel admirers like it partly because of mythic easier learning

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Top 5 free online fax services

Though some people think that fax is in the past, it is not quite true. A lot of people and official organization use faxes as primary way of communication. When you use a fax not very often, there is no sense to buy fax machine

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Top graphic apps of 2007

I choose best graphic software and web apps of 2007 based on their importance, popularity and innovation. While not all of these top graphic apps first appeared in 2007, all of them have great value and reflect tendencies in graphic applications which could in the

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Improve images in one click online

Free web app is a perfect choice to improve image for busy people or absolute beginners since you don’t need do anything manually. This online image improvement service provides amazing opportunity for improving images in one click. You just have to upload your image

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Blog clients review

Blog client lets you post to your blog via XML-RPC running on your local machine. Often, blog client can manage blog entries. Blog client allows you to write a post even if you are off-line. The next time you connect to the Internet, you can