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Abstract photography showcase

abstract photographyAbstract photography is the use of forms, shapes, colors and lines or similar themes to create visually appealing compositions, which may at times be perceived in more ways than one. However, as in any other form of photography, there is no single criteria which defines an abstract picture, nor is there any set of rules to creating abstract compositions. It depends on the photographer to perceive his environment in an altogether different way, and most of the time, it is this unique perception that ends up in a masterpiece on canvas. In this post I have gathered some of the best examples of abstract photography that I have come across through the years.

Since abstract photography requires unique ideas and concepts, the possibilities in this sector are endless. Innovation is of foremost priority. However, certain themes seem to come up very often in abstract photography.

Digital art

Perhaps the most acclaimed and visually appealing abstract compositions are digital designs. They are mostly created using Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite and may not portray any meaning whatsoever. They can be any form of design, from fractals to 3D.

Abstract paint colors

abstract paint colors

Abstract bubbles

abstract bubbles

Abstract water

abstract water

Horses in Gallop

horses in gallop

Camera Techniques

In abstract photography, camera techniques such as the use of slow shutter speeds and long exposure settings to capture motion and speed can be extremely helpful. For instance, a fellow photographer went to the extent of attaching a Nikon D7000 to a table fan set at a low speed to capture trails of light in a dark-room. In fact, you can create amazing light trails like the ones in the third photograph below by using the camera-toss technique.

Dubai abstract

Dubai abstract

Abstract walking

abstract walking

Abstract lights

abstract lights

Textures, reflections, lights and shadows

In any form of photography, the interest that a photograph generates among its viewers depends on the proper use of light and shadows. While any type of shadow may be artificially generated in image-editing softwares, capturing the perfect blend of an object and its shadow form the correct perspective and angle requires mastering. Textures and reflections play an equally important role in abstract photography.

Bench abstract

bench abstract

Lights and Shadows

lights shadows abstract

Abstract Macros

This theme, in itself, can be cover a separate branch of photography. Macros are close-up photographs, usually of very small subjects. So, practically, what you see in a macro photograph is something you cannot see with the naked eye. This makes it the most interest-generating theme in photography. Even the petals of a flowers shot in the macro mode may look like something completely different and unrecognizable.

Abstract fork macro

macro abstract fork

Macro flower abstract

macro flower abstract

Abstract bacteria macro

macro bacteria abstract

Abstract pencil

abstract macro pencil

Polo abstract

polo abstract

Berries abstract
berries abstract

Perspective, angle and viewpoint

Look at the two black and white photographs in this category. They seem interesting because of the perspective and angle from which they were shot. ‘The photographer’s viewpoint can create a masterpiece or a simply annoying photograph.

Water dance

abstract perspective

Urban abstraction

urban abstraction

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